Sunday, March 8, 2009

We can not achieve anything alone

Morning Inspiration. The following is what happened this morning.

Rhody (4): Mummy come and have a look at this. Close your eyes. Da Daaa! A "Colourful Cubby House" I made it! Daddy helped a little bit.

Rhody (4) with a little help from Daddy


mygirl said...

" Daddy Helped" as in being the scaffolding of the building,sweet!

Candice Herne said...

Thanks Shan. I hadn't looked at itlike that. Yes scaffolding. I have a history of scaffolding. I'm taking the time today to oil my scaffolding. Saying thank you to all the people who have directly and indirectly helped me to become a better person. So thank you Shannon for being apart of my scaffolding. Candyxx