Thursday, November 20, 2008

Impermanence - to close to home, a friendly reminder

I have been reminded too many times in the last month of the impermanence of life. My sisters soul mate and dear friend Darren passed away last week after a sudden diagnosis of cancer after an xray of a broken leg. Darren was 43.
I woke at 3am about 4 weeks ago after having a disturbung dream that my Granny was in hospital with a gas mask I was certain she was going to die. 4 days later she ended up in hospital. The good news is she is recovering well after her bout of phemonia. However she is still battling colon cancer.
Our dear friends David and Rhonda were hammered in the recent Brisbane storms and had no power for 3 days. Their eldest son Aaron just finished year 12. Rhonda was one of the Churchie Mums celebrating the boys leaving on the deck that collapsed and killed one of the mothers. Luckily Rhonda escaped relatively unharmed.
Here one moment gone the next. It reminds me that all their is left is what's in the middle "life". That it is the moments, the everyday that also matter.

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