Saturday, February 27, 2010

wandering around aimlessly, barking up dead ends, in a bid to find something

The months are whizzing by now. We have been travelling for 4 months. And currently camping at St Helens Beach where the ocean is crystal aqua blue, just beautiful. We spent 1 week camping at Lake Barrington where we caught 3 fish and the the past week camping not far from Launceston. I was fortunate to spend a entire morning walking around looking at student art works at the Academy of the Arts Gallery at the University of Tasmania and the Queen Victoria museum and Art Gallery where they were exhibiting Art rage 2009. After viewing the QV MG I asked whether they had any information on the show, they said their is a visual catalogue (CD) of the show for $10 I thought this was a good idea,and bought the CD.

I also had a meeting with my web master Jacob Ball from JKB Web solutions who lives in Launceston. He recently installed Modex into my website. Which will now allow me to edit my website. He gave me a training session how to use the program, so I have no excuse now for it not to be updated. I have alot of updating to do! I trialled printing my Melbourne images onto the thicker card from Creative Paper, however after hours of frustrated poking and prodding my printer would not play the game and print on the card. So I'm going to have to resort to plan B not sure what that is yet.

One of highlights while camping at Lake Barrington was visiting the maze town of Lower Crackpot by Brian Inder a whole village built on philosophy, conundrums, word play, satire, wit and epigrams. The amount of work produced is staggering. We initially visited as we thought the children would enjoy it. Little did we know that we would get absolutely lost and captivated by the whole experience. Pure fun and enjoyment. Please see some of the images below. Their is also a cubby house section which I would also like to post at a later date.
'please click on images to read the signs'


Katrina said...

What a magical place for both children and grown ups!

Louvregirl said...

These are simply amazing shots Candice~ thank you. I love *that hedge* I will ~be back~ to study them all more closely!

chrys zantis said...

what an a maz ing place candy. what fun for you and the children. the aqua blue water at your camp site sounds beautiful. can we see a photo?